Abstract Submission Criteria
ABSTRACT MUST BE SUBMITTED IN ENGLISH Title written in uppercase and bold, scientific names written in italics or according to technical specifications.
Font Calibri, size 12, justified and single spacing.
Authors names must have the following format: LAST NAME, N.1, LAST NAME 2, N21., LAST NAME 3, N31.
Underline the presenting author.
Affiliations should be indicated with numbers and superscript
Email of the corresponding author
Abstract extension must be a maximum 250 words
The abstract should state briefly the purpose of the research, the principal results, and major conclusions. References should be avoided.
Non-standard or uncommon abbreviations should be avoided, but if essential they must be defined at their first mention in the abstract itself.
Indicate at the end of the abstract your preference for oral presentation, pitch, or poster. Although, the scientific committee will decide the type of presentation and session that will be presented.
Indicate if your work was published before. Abstracts that have not been published before will be considered as a priority.
Indicate your interest in submitting your work for publication to the European Association of Fish Pathologists - EAFP.
Acknowledgements should be indicated if necessary.
Oral Presentation: The selected abstract must follow a 12-minute exposition followed by 3 minutes of questions and discussion.
“Pitch” oral presentation: This modality is a short oral presentation of 5 minutes.
Poster presentation: The modality will be e-poster.